Our Partner Network

Digital Midwest is an employer-led skills network that assesses and responds to future skills needs in partnership with education and training providers, in the midwest of Ireland.


Regional Skills: The Regional Skills Fora is a Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science initiative bringing employers and education and training providers together. The Fora engage directly with employers across all industry sectors to assist with talent development and retention.


IDA: IDA Ireland is a statutory agency whose objective is to encourage investment into Ireland by Foreign owned companies. The agency has a network of offices throughout the world offering advice to companies who are considering establishing a base in Ireland.


Enterprise Ireland is the Irish government’s enterprise development agency.
We invest in and support the development of Irish-owned companies on their journey to achieving greater scale and to become global leaders in their field. This provides a platform for strong economic growth, and creating and sustaining jobs in communities around the country.


Established in 2014, the Local Enterprise Offices are the essential resource for any entrepreneur looking to start a business or any small business that is looking for support or advice to help them grow. Since their inception the Local Enterprise Offices have helped create over 25,000 jobs across the country. The LEOs work with thousands of client companies across Ireland in a diverse range of sectors offering mentoring, training, expert advice and financial supports to small businesses with up to 50 employees.

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The Digital Midwest network supports the mission of the IDA and Regional Skills in the Midwest. Through their various programs and initiatives, we promote economic development and innovation in the region, while also fostering a supportive and inclusive community of entrepreneurs and professionals. By leveraging the power of technology and digital skills, the Digital Midwest network is helping to drive growth and success for businesses across the Midwest.