Host a Digital Midwest Event

If you are a member of the Digital Midwest network and would like to host an event, you can reach out to the network’s organizers or coordinators to discuss your idea and see if it would be a good fit for the network. You can also connect with other members within the network to collaborate and plan events together. Additionally, you can use social media and other online platforms to promote your event and gather interest from potential attendees.

If a Digital Midwest partner wants to sponsor an event, you can discuss the terms of the sponsorship with one of our network coordinators, including the level of sponsorship, the benefits you will receive, and any promotional opportunities available.

Welcome to Digital Midwest

Welcome to the new Digital Midwest website! We are thrilled to have you here and hope you enjoy exploring our website. Our mission is to provide you with the latest news and insights from the Midwest’s technology industry. Whether you’re an existing network member or a business exploring opportunities in the Midwest of Ireland, we have something for everyone. So, take a look around and let us know if you have any questions or feedback. We are always happy to hear from our visitors!

Limerick for IT was rebranded to Digital Midwest in order to reflect the network’s inclusion of partners beyond the Limerick region. As the network and needs of businesses grew, the name no longer accurately reflected the scope and vision of the network. Digital Midwest was chosen as a name that better encompasses the values and mission of the network members, while also signaling its commitment to serving the Midwest region of Ireland.

Our logo incorporates the inclusion of Limerick, Clare, and Tipperary within the Digital Midwest network. The three overlapping hexagons in the logo represent the three counties, with each hexagon representing one of the counties. The overall design of the logo is meant to convey a sense of unity and collaboration, all-be-it with the river Shannon flowing in between. This reflects the shared goals and values of the Digital Midwest network and the partners it serves.

Welcome to Digital Midwest.