About us
Digital Midwest is an employer-led skills network that assesses and responds to future skills needs in partnership with education and training providers, in the midwest of Ireland.

Digital MidWest
Is an employer-led skills network that assesses and responds to future skills needs in partnership with education and training providers. As technology continues to evolve it is important that employees have the necessary skills to undertake and perform new tasks.
By utilising the various funding streams on offer such as Springboard+, Human Capital Initiative (HCI), Apprenticeships and Skills to Advance new programmes can be designed, delivered and funded for employees to upskill.
The success of Digital MidWest is based upon a value proposition of
collaboration. A can-do attitude, has been adopted by all participating companies to ensure that the region has a strong supply of talent.
An example of the positive work by the network was the launch in 2022 of a new national apprenticeship in Cyber Security. This new apprenticeship which was designed in partnership with the University of Limerick was a response by member companies to increase their cyber skillset considering the growing
attacks on IT networks.
Other initiatives launched to help attract and promote career pathways include the ‘Women in Tech’ programme for those looking to return to the workplace. In collaboration with Limerick and Clare
Education & Training Board funding was provided for women to undertake a twelve month diploma in Software to include work placement and mentorship.
More recently to increase the potential supply of talent the network launched their ‘Arts to Industry’ project in collaboration with University of Limerick. This pilot project seeks to increase awareness
amongst students studying Arts on the career pathways and jobs available in the tech industry.
The network is coordinated by the Midwest Regional Skills Forum and membership is voluntary.